Fed Policy, Custodial Risk, Metals Physical Vs. Digital

In this discussion, David highlights high premiums and low mintages on silver coins, Jim interrogates the controversy surrounding the FTX CEO, Bob acknowledges the challenges of extradition from the Bahamas, and O'Hare advocates for metals as a long-term inflation hedge, all against the backdrop of a potential 200 million ounce silver deficit in 2022 due to reduced refining in Europe.


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This is an edited version of our Twitter Space that took place on December 1st, 2022.

Note: In Part One of this Twitter Space, Tom Luongo discussed the Geopolitical situation with the Fed, Davos, and Europe.

David discusses the high-premiums and low mintages that we have been having on silver coins, particularly Eagles. Premiums on metals have been overly ratcheted up by bullion dealers. He also expresses concerns about the stability of Tether.

Jim discusses the controversy over the FTX CEO and questions why the American Justice System hasn’t put him in handcuffs. He seems to be protected. Bob notes that he is currently in the Bahamas, where it’s more difficult to extradite him.

O’Hare vigorously argues the metals are an inflation hedge when viewed over longer time frames. He sees silver as both monetary and industrial uses. All these entities and banks are struggling globally, there is a lot of stress in the system. He is starting to see increasing interest from larger players in the metal space and he gives some advice for investing in resource equities.

The Silver Institute estimates a supply deficit of 200 million ounces in silver for 2022. A lot of smelting and refining has gone offline in Europe due to energy costs.


Bob Coleman



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Bob Coleman has been in the Investment management industry since 1992 to provide intelligent research, consulting, and portfolio management services to high-net-worth investors and institutions.

Bob Coleman standing in front of gray background wearing a suit.

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